Update Day: Bringing the Madness Under Control

Friday was the last Friday of the month, which means it was time for Update Day. But I’m only posting now because my schedule hasn’t really lightened up yet.

April was mad because of the massive job I got that had a deadline right around the end of the month. That went so well that the person who hired me in April hired me again in May. The job is a bit smaller, but its deadline was (you guessed it) on Friday. I had planned everything so that I could actually have time to write a post the way I’m supposed to, but the project kicked my butt in a MASSIVE way.

But here I am now. I’ve definitely made that decision I mentioned last time. It’s actually a terrifying thing that I decided to do, but I know it’s the right thing, which makes it exciting too. I’ll be making the announcement next month because while I have a firm grip on what I’m doing, getting it done is going to take a lot of preparation… which is hard to do when you barely have time to take a proper breath.

I’ll get there, though.

In other news, I did a large-scale overhaul of my lifestyle in May. This is part of my no-time problem, but I’ve decided to get a grip on my physical and mental health. I’m naming the two together because they’re linked. I know I’ve been suffering from a LOT of stress, but I’ve been eating badly and skipping exercise, which made me sleep badly, which added to the stress.

So I just reached a point where I realized I had to sort that crap out. So now I’m eating healthier and walking more for exercise. Although it does cut into my schedule a bit (it’s hard to be as productive while you’re changing your diet), I’m really glad I did it. It’s definitely helping me cope better and to think clearly about what it is that I’m doing.

Now the biggest thing for me for June is to keep to the healthy habits I’m building and to actually act on the decisions I’ve made this month. Wish me luck!

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