You know it’s bad when procrastinating means you write a query instead.

Thanks so much for the comments to yesterday’s post. I decided to stop whining and look at the query again.

Mistake I’d made this time: I put too much importance on it. You see… I’m not excluding any publishing method at this stage. The only reason why I’m querying now is so that I can say I tried it. If it fails, I’m not going to worry about it too much.

It just means I wasn’t meant to go the traditional route. I’ll take another.

In the mean time, I looked at my most recently drafted query. It sucked.

So I decided to take a completely new approach to the query and I think it’s pretty dang good. Just waiting for the dust to settle, then I’ll be editing it again.

In the mean time, I started the monumental task of summarizing Doorways so that I can write the synopsis. I have 70 chapters. So far, I’ve finished 13.

That’s not the only monumental task I have in front of me. It’s not even the mostĀ urgentĀ  I have to finish my grandmother’s painting. You know… the one that’s supposed to be her Christmas gift.

I’m filled with jitters about it. It’s all good and well to do one for myself, but this is for my Grandmother’s Christmas present, so I really don’t want to mess it up. But I only have 6 days and so much detail work to do that I’m terrified.

Sigh. Sorry if today’s post is mixed up. I have a few too many things vying for my attention today.

Anyone else as messed up as me this time of the year? What do you need to get done and soon?

Today is (was) going to be a short post.

As Christmas approaches, my to-do list lengthens. As such, this post shortens. ;-P

Today will be taken up by unpacking a fridge after our one maid filled it with plates. The fridge being coffin-like in volume.

Luckily I have a slave (my younger brother) to help me move the ceramic plates somewhere else.

When that’s done, I get to bake! Hopefully. I’m thinking lamingtons and more traditional treats named Jan Smutsies and Hertzoggies.

For those of you with zero South African connection (me excluded), Jan Smutsies and Hertzoggies are basically small soft cakes with apricot jam baked in between. Incredibly delicious. Ask nicely and I might even post a recipe.

But to intrigue you, I present:

Hertzoggies (the tops are made of coconut)


Jan Smutsies.

Ask really REALLY nicely and I might throw in some other kick-ass traditional South African treats.

But I digress. After that I have to pack a suitcase for a week and move into my mother’s room to make space for the family. Which means I have to plan what I have to wear. For almost a week.

I don’t even plan what I wear to weddings and funerals. Sigh…

But I will suffer this trial for the sake of Christmas.

Speaking of trials. I’m also very likely going to have to stay off blogger until Tuesday.

I’ll try to sneak in some blogger time.

But it is beyond likely that I will drop off the face of the blogosphere until next Tuesday. Starting now.

No wait!

Have a blessed Christmas! May your time with your family be as wonderful as it can possibly be and my the love of Jesus Christ fill your house on this Holy Day.

With LOTS of love,

Kiss Kiss,

Hug Hug,

Missing you already,


P.S. Commencing drop from blogosphere in. Ten. Nine… AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa………

